VC & PE | IP Creation For Your Portfolio Startup Companies

Innovation Strategy

There are always more ideas than money to protect them. Instead of spending a bunch of money to protect a few ideas why not try an approach that brings an in-house capability to protect all your ideas, on a shoestring budget, in true entrepreneurial bootstrap fashion.

We welcome the opportunity to work with VC and PE firms and their portfolio companies to identify, capture, and protect breakthrough opportunities.

Step 1: Marco Trends & Patent Landscape

Collaboratively, we'll study your area of interest and build a storyboard that identifies key trends, patents, and opportunity areas. The storyboard will be used as part of an ideation session with your team to harvest new products and services ideas.

Patent Trend Map

Step 2: Idea Harvesting & Idea Map Creation

Ranking and scoring the harvested ideas we'll create an idea map that will identify patenting opportunities, inform a vision, and zero in on high-value business-impactful innovation opportunities.

Bundling the strong ideas we'll collaborate with you to develop an IP creation and patent strategy which will protect the company's core innovations, position ideas for licensing, and introduce blocking disruption to derail competitors.

Idea Mapping

Step 3: Building Strategic IP

Inventing differently, an in-house program is flexible and can be designed right into existing innovation processes. Bringing the creation of patent applications closer to the technical team doing the work gets them involved in the process which in turn makes better quality patent applications. Our Bootstrap Patenting approach shortens the distance between conceiving and protecting breakthrough ideas. Patent more, pay less, break the by-the-hour law model.

Bootstrap Patenting

Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

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3 Steps To Jump Start Your Innovation Program

Free spirit

It's a new game now. Were all in lean startup mode. Time to re-invention everything. How have the events of the last few weeks, with the virus outbreak, changed your industry, business, and customers forever? Let's Find out!

Jump Start Your Innovation Program

Step 1: Marco Trends & Patent Landscape

Collaboratively, we'll study your area of interest and build a storyboard that identifies key trends, patents, and opportunity areas. The storyboard will be used as part of an ideation session with your team to harvest new products and services ideas.

Patent Trend Map

Step 2: Create and Innovation Roadmap

Ranking and scoring the ideas we'll create an idea map that will identify patenting opportunities, inform a vision, and zero in on high-value business-impactful innovation opportunities.

The deliverable will be an innovation roadmap complete with a proposal to organize entrepreneurial talent in the tech community to develop and pilot the solution.

Innovation Roadmap

Step 3: Develop & Pilot A Solution

Let us show you how the tech community accelerates innovation. We'll do the patent creation work, organize the talent, and develop and pilot a solution for you. We can get your idea patented and piloted this year!


Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

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10 Ways Patent Engineers Can Improve Your Innovation Success

Engineering Innovation Success

fractional-patent-expertiseWhile you have your smartest people working hard on the new product, stop and think about what is getting left behind. Who harvests the ideas and diligently examines how each can be used to create a competitive advantage for your company?

Of the many ideas your team generates, they select few to pursue. The team most certainly had other ideas some of which might trip-up the competition's future innovation opportunities. Who is tasked with evaluating ideas to license or block the competition operating in your innovation space or markets?

There is a better way, while driving product development, to effortlessly use your innovation team's ideas to create a broader competitive advantage for your company.

Patent Engineer | A clever entrepreneur cloaked as an engineer, with patenting skills, who enjoys embedding with innovation teams to harvest ideas, refine concepts, and create patent portfolios which block competitors, create licensing opportunities, and protect products and services.

Patent Engineers (the good ones) have the uncanny ability to speak multiple business languages like marketing, engineering, finance, IT, and corporate executive to draw insights out of people, refine them into breakthrough ideas, and effectively communicate them within an organization.

With a carrot and a stick, Patent Engineers can herd the organizational cats when needed and use patent strategies to lead consensus to strong patentable ideas that create a competitive advantage for the company and bundle other ideas into licensable or competition blocking patent portfolios.

Remember in patent law, a patent gives you the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling. It follows that  the more ideas you can exclude your competition from making, using, or selling in the spaces and markets you do business in the better.

I have put together a list of 10 reasons you should embed a Patent Engineer in your innovation team and leverage their skills throughout your innovation process:

TCH-bulbLEARN What's Possible

1. A patent strategy should be an active part of your innovation process and happen as close as possible to the innovation team doing the work. Legal functions that house lawyers or rely on outside counsel is not the same as an entrepreneurial Patent Engineer leading meetings and being an active innovation team member.

2. Letting ideas slip away | The more groups, within an organization (i.e. engineering, marketing, finance, IT, etc.), that are working on a project, the more likely it is that some of the best ideas and business models will slip away through the cracks. A Patent Engineer works cross-functionally to gather, refine, inventory, and protect not only ideas but business models that are of value to all groups.

3. Avoiding surprises by proactively reviewing competitor's patents that could have an impact on projects, markets, products, and the company. When needed working with Legal counsel and the innovation team to make sure the freedom to operate is maintained.

EXPLORE The Best Approaches

4. A Patent Engineer can embed and work closely with an innovation team harvesting ideas, mentoring team members on strategic innovation, and refining small concepts into big ideas. While most people on a team have ideas, often not every idea gets heard, and not every team member is good at presenting their ideas compellingly and convincingly. Patent Engineers can work with every team member ensuring that every voice is heard and idea captured.

5. Facilitated workshops, done well, bring groups of people together and in an organized fashion explore opportunity areas. With a Patent Engineer on the team, workshops can happen more frequently and be wide-ranging, such as to seek new product ideas, to identify industry-disrupting ideas, sessions to harvest licensing ideas to adjacent industries, or workshops which harvest ideas to out-right block competition. You get the idea.

6. While the new product team is heavily engaged in a project, lots of sub-ideas fly around, many can be on how to make the product or service better in future versions. A Patent Engineer can capture, inventory, and consider if and how each idea should be protected. After all, your team is only working one version now when there are likely many future versions in their heads.

7. Making choices | During design and development, there is often more than one approach, product solution, or business model to choose from. Companies tend to select the configurations and models that don't disrupt or cannibalize current product lines. These might not be the best choices your customers want, but rather just selected to create organizational compromise. Consideration should not only be given to the best and next best alternatives but also to which are patentable and afford a competitive advantage even if not selected to be pursued into a commercial product or service at this time.

ENGAGE On All The Best Opportunities

8. Picket fences | Executives often talk about creating picket fences of patents to protect and defend against competitive threats. The term picket fence is a reference to creating patented idea boundaries to prevent unwelcome entrants into your innovation space or market. This work should be done in a cost-efficient manner by a Patent Engineer who is entrepreneurial and very crafty. You need someone who will spend as much time as it takes to fully map and develop the patent portfolios which create the most valuable fence.

9. Creating patents for licensing | Often discussed but seldom acted upon, consideration for licensing to other non-competitive and adjacent companies should be undertaken. This can entail market research, developing a company target list, inventing ideas that might align nicely with a target company's products, and good old fashion outreach and relationship building, including working with Legal counsel and company executives. This work and relationship building is something a good Patent Engineer enjoys.

10. Bootstrapping just makes sense | To scale a patent program you have to have an approach and strategy to patent more ideas at the lowest possible cost. An In-house program led by a Patent Engineer to cost-efficiently harvest ideas, refine concepts, and create patent applications is an ideal way to build portfolios of patents that most likely would otherwise be cost-prohibitive using external pay-by-the-hour options.


Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

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Wreck Your Competition, Forecast And Patent Their Future

Crystal Ball

Here is an innovation strategy your organization can use to protect breakthrough opportunities and mess with competitors

Companies constantly seek, for themselves, ideas for next-generation products and services but often stop short of seeking ideas of interest to their competitors.

Why not seek ideas your competition and future industry disrupters are likely to develop, for their next-generation products, and wreck their futures by patenting them yourself? A good offense is a great defense, right?

Said differently, why not organize your idea harvesting efforts into anticipating all of your industries' next moves and patent everything? Throw some ink in the water. This is also an important first step if your planning to go into the tech community to working with entrepreneurs and startups. After all, if you don't own the intellectual property (IP) around the idea, you won't own the product IP and if you don't own the product IP, it's likely those you work with will eventually do business with your competitors giving them access.

Here is a technique I have developed to capture breakthrough ideas which I combine with a bootstrap patenting approach to protect lots of ideas on a shoestring budget.

The Process

+ Conduct a patent and macro-trend study of an industry or technology. I start by developing an understanding of how an industry has evolved. Organized into a storyboard along a timeline, seminal patents inform how innovation has evolved. I then link macro-trends that have and are shaping the industry/consumer behaviors to forecast what is likely next. It works great!

Capture Breakthrough Opportunities

+ Idea harvesting workshops identify technical areas of opportunity and dive deep to generate lists of ideas and business models.

+ Converting the raw ideas into an idea map highlights where bundles of patentable ideas exist within the space.

+ Bootstrap patenting techniques are used to exclude weak ideas, bundle strong ideas, and patent protect as many ideas as possible to block competitors, create patent portfolios for licensing, and protect products that you elect to develop. For external innovation in the tech community, ideas are protected before engaging with entrepreneurs and startups to prevent giving ideas away. This patent strategy is discussed further in the video.


Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

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If You’re A Corporate Seeking To Innovate In The Tech Community Then You Will Likely Need These Capabilities

Startup Wall

Your organization has decided this is the year to embrace innovation in the tech community!

Can I suggest holding off on making the pilgrimage to Silicon Valley to blow your budget sitting at events and meeting startups that are making stuff that nobody wants? This is just "looking" innovative and likely will not net you what think it will.

Instead, focus on starting with your business needs and "being" innovative to find and foster solutions from the tech community that drives reaching your innovation goals. To this end, there are several capabilities you will likely need to turn business needs into successful innovation outcomes that should be at the core of your innovation framework. Learn more about corporate innovation and these capabilities at

Capturing Breakthrough Ideas - Are you ready to anticipate your industry's next move, find new business models, build a story to sell internally, or identify a competitive advantaged position ahead of your competitors? Done well, facilitated invention capture workshops are a great way to explore opportunity areas that are important to a business.finding-breakthrough

Bootstrap Patenting - Your business needs a patent strategy. Protecting ideas before sharing or scouting in the tech community maintains your ownership rights. An in-house program is flexible and can be designed right into your innovation processes. Bringing the creation of patent applications closer to your technical team gets them involved in the process which in turn makes better quality patent applications. Shorten the distance between conceiving and protecting a breakthrough idea. Patent more, pay less, break the by-the-hour law model.

Open Innovation Tech Scouting - Scouting and Innovation outposting are open innovation strategies that put (low cost) tech talent interns to work on your innovation challenges. Use them to establish a global tech-scouting presence in startup-rich tech communities and at top-tier institutes.

Co-Creating Accelerators - Different from other accelerator models, co-creating accelerators organize a company and at least one of their partners, customers, or clients into a cohort to co-create together around a strategic focus area by articulating business needs that are converted into innovation challenges and scouted using an open innovation network seeking knowledge, talent, and solutions.How Micro Acceleration Works

Product Development - Organizes entrepreneurial talent from the technical community to build, deploy, and as needed operate the solutions. In sourcing talent from the technical community, such activities can be organized to support a company’s women, inclusive, or other entrepreneurship initiatives.


Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

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Coca-Cola ‘Red’ Talk On Ideas

Coke Red Talk


Ways we can help you:
      • Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
      • Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
      • Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
      • Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
      • Developing patent strategies for products and startup
      • Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
      • Searching ideas for prior art patents
      • Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
      • Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies

Learn more at


#patents #patentengineering #startups #entrepreneurs #breakthrough #intellectualproperty #corporateinnovation #innovation