There are always more ideas than money to protect them. Instead of spending a bunch of money to protect a few ideas why not try an approach that brings an in-house capability to protect all your ideas, on a shoestring budget, in true entrepreneurial bootstrap fashion.
We welcome the opportunity to work with VC and PE firms and their portfolio companies to identify, capture, and protect breakthrough opportunities.
Step 1: Marco Trends & Patent Landscape
Collaboratively, we'll study your area of interest and build a storyboard that identifies key trends, patents, and opportunity areas. The storyboard will be used as part of an ideation session with your team to harvest new products and services ideas.
Step 2: Idea Harvesting & Idea Map Creation
Ranking and scoring the harvested ideas we'll create an idea map that will identify patenting opportunities, inform a vision, and zero in on high-value business-impactful innovation opportunities.
Bundling the strong ideas we'll collaborate with you to develop an IP creation and patent strategy which will protect the company's core innovations, position ideas for licensing, and introduce blocking disruption to derail competitors.
Step 3: Building Strategic IP
Inventing differently, an in-house program is flexible and can be designed right into existing innovation processes. Bringing the creation of patent applications closer to the technical team doing the work gets them involved in the process which in turn makes better quality patent applications. Our Bootstrap Patenting approach shortens the distance between conceiving and protecting breakthrough ideas. Patent more, pay less, break the by-the-hour law model.
Ways we can help you:
- Drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications
- Embedding with innovation teams to harvest, refine, and protect ideas
- Identifying patentable ideas within startup technologies
- Landscaping markets to identify new opportunities
- Developing patent strategies for products and startup
- Managing the patent creation process from concept to product launch
- Searching ideas for prior art patents
- Reviewing prior art patents with product development teams
- Building IP for VC/PE portfolio companies
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